On Monday 29th, November 2021 Barbados parted ways with the Queen. With a beautiful and colourful celebration, Barbados became the world’s newest republic country, whilst remaining a member of the Commonwealth. Warm wishes were expressed by the monarch as the Queen was being removed as head of state. The festive event showcased an amazing orchestra with more than 100 steel pan players, lovely singers, poets, and dancers. There were a number of leaders, dignitaries, and artists, including Prince Charles and Rihanna (who was made a national hero that day,) who attended. There will be a second ceremony where Barbados Governor General Sandra Mason will be presented as the president and usher in a new republican government for the island nation, however, Motley will still be running the country.

“In his speech, Prince Charles said the creation of the republic “offers a new beginning” for the former British colony, while his mother sent the island her “warmest good wishes.” – Independent UK
With this transition to a republic in such an interesting time in the world, I wonder if this will prompt other countries to follow in Barbados’ footsteps. There has been some talk from Jamaica, Australia and New Zealand of possibly exercising the thought of becoming Republic. When it comes to the Barbadians and the movement of them becoming a republic, they have mixed views, for the most part, they are happy and confident that they will rise as a republic and will be able to handle the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and rise from the ghosts of the colonial past as a strong nation. However, there are a number of Barbadians that express doubt when it comes to real-world benefits, while others are hurt due to the lack of public participation in such an important political and societal move that is meant to be about liberation.
“Mottley told CBC she remains close personal friends with Prince Charles, heir to the throne. Ralph Jemmott, a social commentator with the newspaper Barbados Today, explained that he is in favour of the move to a republic, but dislikes the way the change was introduced.” – CBC News
“From the darkest days of our past and the appalling atrocity of slavery which forever stains our history, people of this island forged their path with extraordinary fortitude,” – Prince Charles
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